This is way past the extent a man can go. It’s way past the imagination of a person. The killing tactics of serial killers are way more brutal than you can imagine. A simple cut pains like the raining hell on earth, imagine what the choking or continuous beating till death might feel like.
Well, the words can’t do justice to the pain the victims of these serial killers go through.Scroll down to know the most brutal serial killers’ killing ways-
Strangling to death.

This is the most common method of killings by serial killers. Many serial killers fantasize about watching their victims fighting for their life and struggling while the life leaves out of their bodies. Some fantasize about the idea that they get to control their victims’ life and keep on playing. In most cases of females, the killer fantasizes choking / strangling thinking that it sexually arouses his victims. Mostly rope is being used as the weapon.

Killers fantasized about supernatural and brutal killings and later eating human flesh and organs. This is the most soul tearing way a serial killer used for killing as it involved ripping out parts of victims while they were still alive and even ripping out internal organs and refrigerating them for further eating.
Human Sacrifice.

Sounds like some antique movie scene performing some ritual. Well, this is no joke. A family in Mexico was caught being involved in the killings of two 10- year old boys and a 55-year-old woman, as a part of ritual while worshiping La Santa Muerte (Saint Death). Silvia Meraz was believed to be the cult leader of Santa Muerte and her family did these killings. One of the boys was her grandson and the lady was her friend. The old woman was killed using an ax and the boys were beheaded.
Broomstick murderer.

Kenneth McDuff killed a beautiful girl who was out on a baseball field with her boyfriend and his cousin. He first killed her boyfriend and cousin with his revolver and later on raped the girl and killed her with a broomstick which was in his car. From then he is called Broomstick murderer.
Cyanide Pills.

A killer named Mohan Kumar trapped his victims in the lure of marrying him and would elope with them. A day before marriage he asks for having sex and would feed his victims cyanide pills in the name of contraceptive pills and kill them. He would then rob them off their jewelry and other valuable items.

Dr. Harold Fredrick Shipman of West Yorkshire, United Kingdom killed about 250 of his aged patients using an overdose of morphine just to get some money out of their wills. He came to light when people were alarmed by increasing number of deaths of elderly women.

John George Haigh killed 6 people for profit and then put their bodies in Sulphuric acid just to get away with killings. He thought if the bodies of his victims were dissolved in acid there would be no trace of murder and thus he came to be known as “Acid Bath murderer”.

Seeing a clown moving in a dark room beats the crap out of you. John Wayne Gacy Jr. “The Killer Clown” killed about 33 young boys while dressed as a clown. His victims were sexually harrassed and then were strangled with a tourniqued around their neck.
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